Carbon Energy Advisors, LLC (CarbEn) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of INTEGRAL who provides advisory and technical consulting services in the areas of sustainable real estate development, operation and investment management. CarbEn works with property owners to find opportunties to create sustainable real estate strategies and implement turn-key development solutions that are ecologically progressive, socially gratifying and economically profitable.
Our programs, project guidelines and economic-based analytical tools for communities, companies, buildings, land and people address the full spectrum of sustainability issues surrounding conservation, energy efficiency, renewable energy, environmental quality, and resource management. Real estate development activities in the US are responsible for more than 70% of electricity use, 39% of total energy use, 30% use of raw material, 25% use of landfills, 12% use of potable water, and 39% of CO2 emmissions. INTEGRAL recognizes the importance of implementing sustainable development and operation practices that minimize the impact of its activities on the environment while at the same time maximizing its return to the investors, occupants and stakeholders throughout the real estate supply chain.
We have spent the last ten-years developing tools, guidelines and methodologies to help our Clients maximize their portfolio IRR by implementing sustainability strategies that are cost effective and easily employed. Our library of case studies, financial analyses, sustainability guidelines, environmental whitepapers, and first-hand experience reports enables us to quickly recommend “low-hanging fruit” strategies for corporate offices, properties, tenants, and managers.
CarbEn will use its expertise in sustainable financing, development, marketing, and asset management to deliver the most responsive service and put forth the highest quality of product to each and every one of its Clients. Our team of professional consultants specialize in developing project-specific solutions that create successful residential and commercial building investment, development and operational practices.
Our Sustainability Consulting services include management of the following:
· Sustainable Initiative Programs · Energy Reduction Strategies · Public Outreach Programs · LEED Cost/Benefit Analyses · Certifications & Accreditations · Sustainable Corporate Solutions · Sustainable Design Guidelines · Renewable Energy Strategies · Tenant Sustainability Programs · Education & Corporate Training · Carbon Mitigation Strategies
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